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Well I'm on Twitter now.   .  I feel like I've succumbed to swimming with the bottom-feeders, sewer rats.

It's not a technology thing.  I've largely embraced technology, I love my devices and they rule my life pretty much as much as the next guy.  I simply don't think that very much of import can be conveyed in 140 characters. 

I can't fight it, though.  Twitter's not going anywhere and 140 characters is THE extent of Trump's ability to communicate effectively.  I suspect his deepest, most critical inner thoughts might be summed up in 140 characters as well.  So alas, our most esteemed and dignified Commander in Chief has elevated Twitter to a viable for of communication and I find myself, through my actions saying, "If you can't beat em, join em."

It's not a victory and it does not feel good.  I am resigned and I surrender - but as such, as something of a survival mechanism, I have literally joined them. 

Find me @ImpeachForUSA .  Neophyte that I am, I haven't learned how to Twitter link yet.

