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No FAKE NEWS Here, Just More #trumpDepression

Well what do you know, Twitter is not so bad (for what it is)... No wonder our president-with-a-little-p likes it so much - or he did until his privileges were taken away the other day.  Now it's the real Oz running the prez's twits.

So anyway it's been a learning experience.  From posting stuff in places and @people I didn't mean to, to sifting through the massive onslaught of information coming at me, and understanding the irony of Twitter: that using so few characters leads to a gazillion different places and a barrage of links leading to yet more information.  I've learned a lot. 

And not just about navigating Twitter.  I've learned a lot about things that are going on with our despicably crooked administration that I didn't know.  I mean I knew he was bad but omg what a clusterfuck.  It's WAY deeper and more far-reaching than I could've imagined. 

It seems that at best there was Russian interference in the election and at worst our country is already being controlled by Putin. 

Which leads me to another thing I've come to appreciate about Twitter: there is a range of views for everyone.  Of course it's only been two weeks, and I've so far been naturally inclined to seek out people or organization that embody views similar to mine, in general people have been more clever and less troll-ey than I thought they would. 

As for my #trumpDepression, well the best I can say here is that I have found others like me, Thank God.  I still feel like my head is going to explode every day, but at least I'm in good company.

Also,  I'm beginning to think I may have to go out in the world and DO something to help.  And I hate that shit, I'm so introverted and lazy.  Oy.
